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Technical expertise and condition control

Technical inspection of the actual condition of the structure is a crucial element to maintain the work safety standards. We precisely analyze the parameters, geometry and dimensions of machines and devices. We transparently report on all anomalies and differences in relation to the design documentation and standards, we indicate the critical and weak points of the structure.


  • preventing failures caused by assembly mistakes,
  • savings thanks to the virtual assembly of cooperating elements, for example:
  • avoiding double transport costs, 
  • costs incurred under the guarantee reasons,
  • avoiding penalties due to exceeding the deadlines, 
  • avoiding damage, trapping, destruction of elements (ensured matching) 
  • better preparing to machine repairs,
  • defining and indicating the problem,
  • finding the causes of the problems,
  • effective implementation of prevention,

The advantage of laser measurements over traditional methods:

  • incomparably greater repeatability of measurement results
  • incomparably greater accuracy of results
  • possibility of quick and precise measurement of complex shapes
  • possibility of non-contact measurement of an element