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Thermal Growth and Dynamic Movement

External factors have influence on the behavior of elements, tools and devices. The influence of external factors such as temperature, pressure, humidity at large-size objects may cause changes invisible to the human eye.

The PN-EN ISO 1: 2016, Product geometry specifications (GPS), defines the nominal temperature by setting its value to 20ºC. In this temperature products or tools should be verified in terms of dimensions. Also at the design stage it should be assumed that the nominal dimensions should be achieved at this temperature of the material.

Standard gauge block (steel) with an exemplary dimension of 100 mm, changes its length by about 1 µm (0.001 mm) for each degree Celsius (1 ° C) in relation to the nominal 20 degrees.

The example above shows how important it is to control dimensions under fluctuating temperatures. Our offer includes the possibility of verifying large-size structures in terms of changing external conditions.