Distance and height settings

One of the reasons for excessive wear of machine elements is their imprecise setting, deviating from the nominal values ​​assumed by the designer. For their proper functioning, it is necessary to maintain appropriate distances between the individual elements of the machine, so that they can work together harmoniously.

During many years of operation, machine parts wear out and over time they lose their nominal dimensional (model) value. This can lead to excessive wear and damage to the entire machine or cause quality defects in the manufactured elements.

For example, reducing the diameter of the drive rollers by friction, may cause the roller to not come into contact with the guided element. It will lead to an increased load on other rollers and their faster wear. 

Thanks to our wide offer of analysis and diagnostics, we can:

  • check dimensional discrepancies in machines and make corrections, 
  • analyze the machine geometry condition and provide recommendations for repair,
  • detect elements that causes the problems in the operation of the production line