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Geometry inspection during machine services

Our offer is directed to companies that make service devices, machines and technological lines. Often, during service and renovation works, the help of experienced technicians is necessary. We are able to provide corrections or analyze problems with the geometry of the assembly elements. Our many years of cooperation with clients from the heavy industry, production and energy industries, resulted in gaining the knowledge and experience necessary to help in measuring and inspection in the field of service facilities such as:

    • turbines and generators (turbine sets)
      – alignment, foundation, surplus material analysis, diameter measurements,
    • presses vertical and horizontal
      – checking geometry, leveling, machine alignment
    • hydraulic rolling machines
      – axis alignment, parallelism control, guidelines, 
    • injection molding machines
      – checking plate parallelism, column geometry, plate wear, flatness
    • compressors
      – shaft alignment, position alignment
    • foundry furnaces
      – leveling, control measurements , technical analyzes, volume measurements
    • production lines
      – alignment, parallelism of guides, straightness 
    • tubular ball mills
      – alignment, leveling, control and setting of rollers
    • production molds
      – checking the geometry before production, corrections determination
    • welding robots
      – positioning, checking repeatability, 
    • press columns
      – parallelism analysis, checking before and after renovation  
    • rotary furnaces
      – alignment, leveling, control and setting of rollers
    • machine base and covers
      – shape check, analysis of alignment of settling holes