Oil & Gas

Precise industrial measurements for the Oil & Gas industry 

  • Accuracy and precision for smooth processes

This industry covers many sectors related to the proper functioning of the national and global economy. The proper functioning of other branches of the industry depends on the services, products and semi-finished products produced in chemical, petrochemical, fuel and pharmaceutical plants. Therefore, continuous modernization of installations and increasing production efficiency, while maintaining high-level safety, are the basis for meeting market expectations.

Chemical plants are characterized by large spaces developed with installations responsible for various chemical processes. They are equipped with numerous pipelines, heat exchangers, mixers, reactors and other process equipment. They contain various media and chemical compounds, which results in the application of numerous restrictions. Some objects are subject to high pressures and high temperatures. Unsealing of connections or damage to the equipment may pose a threat to the continuity of production and the life of employees. Frequent control of installations and inspection of pipelines are necessary for proper functioning in the Oil & Gas sector.

The present times pose many challenges for the Oil & Gas sector, both production and economic, and the dynamic changes on the market do not make this task easier. As an experienced team of engineers, we are able to offer you many services supporting the pace and quality of technological processes, so that you can meet all the requirements of your plants. 


Our offer for oil & gas industry includes:

  • Setting of machines and devices, heat exchangers and reactors
  • Acquisition of 2D/3D digital data – scanning the inside of tanks,
  • Periodic dimensional checks – control of technological lines,
  • Supervision and quality control – scanning and visualization of pipelines,
  • Technical expertise – detection of assembly errors of process equipment,
  • Inventory and visualization – for planning the modernization of pipelines installations,
  • Support in relocation and machines assembly process – leveling and settlement of foundations check,
  • Checking the condition of process equipment during services,

About us

P3D – no mistakes even under pressure 

The presence of our team during numerous projects related to the Oil & Gas sector contributed to gaining invaluable experience. Knowledge supported by latest technology allows us to offer you a wide range of measurement services for the petrochemical sector.


+48 787 747 888



Thanks to our services, we can provide:

  • longer uninterrupted operation of the process equipment,
  • more effective prevention of malfunction, 
  • more effective planning of downtime,
  • increasing the service life of the equipment in long period of time,
  • increased production flow and efficiency of operations,
  • improve the production process to increase competitiveness